ACM India Conferences
ACM India organizes and supports high-quality computing conferences in India, showcasing computing research happening in India as well as internationally through:
- Increasing the number of top international conference editions held in India, such as ICSE 2014, POPL 2015, VLDB 2016, MOBICOM 2018, ICPE 2019
- ACM India events and conferences such as Annual Event, COMPUTE, ARCS, CODS-COMAD, ISEC
- Co-sponsoring conferences which are held in India, such as FIRE 2020, VLSI 2019, COMSNETS 2019, HiPC 2022
Travel Grants for Conferences
ACM India and the Indian Association for Research in Computing Science (IARCS) jointly offer partial travel grants to faculty, students and postdocs from India to present papers co-authored by them at premier international conferences. For more information, please visit the ACM India-IARCS Travel Grants page.
For Conference Organizers
ACM and SIGs (Special Interest Groups) lend the name of the organization to conferences which are fully sponsored by other nonprofit incorporated organizations. Such cooperation is intended primarily for publicity and to encourage Association members to participate by contributing papers and attending technical sessions. Cooperation specifically excludes financial participation, responsibility, or liability on the part of ACM. Please see the SIG Volunteer Resources page for more information on how to apply for such cooperation.
For detailed guidelines, please use this guidelines document.
Annual Events
ACM India events and conferences include: Annual Event, ARCS Symposium, ACM-W Workshop, COMPUTE, CODS-COMAD, and ISEC.
ACM India also co-sponsors conferences held in India, such as COMSNETS 2021.