The India AI Olympiad
What is IOAI and INAIO?
The International Olympiad in AI (IOAI) is the most prestigious annual competition in AI for high school students. The India AI Olympiad (INAIO) is being organized by ACM India in partnership with ACM IKDD to select the best young AI talent to compete on the global platform. Our vision is to make India AI-ready by fostering young talent and encouraging innovation in artificial intelligence among school students.
Why Participate?
Participating in both IOAI and the INAIO offers numerous benefits, including international recognition, scholarships, and opportunities for higher education. Many prestigious colleges and universities offer direct admissions to students who are selected for certified international Olympiads such as IMO and IOI, and this could potentially be the case with IOAI as well. This is a unique chance for students to showcase their talents, learn about cutting-edge technologies, and connect with like-minded individuals globally.
The INAIO is open to all school students across the country, from any school board. Any student registered in school up to Class 12 during the academic year 2024-2025 is eligible to take part. There is no lower age limit for participation. To participate, you must still be in school. If you have completed Class 12, you are no longer eligible, even if you have taken a break and are not enrolled in college, or if you are planning to redo your Class 12 exams for improvement.
Key Dates and Selection Process
Stage 1 (completed): Online test (1.5 hours) to assess problem-solving skills and AI basics. Registration: 20 January 2025. Test date: 25 January 2025.
Date and Time:
January 25, 10:00 am – 11:30 am, IST
- Detailed test instructions will be emailed to all registered students on January 21.
- The test will be conducted online via Google Forms which will be open only during test duration.
- Students are permitted to use the free version of ChatGPT, Google, online calculators, and Python notebook during the test, but can also solve the problems without the tools. Please also note that ChatGPT often tends to give erroneous answers. It might often be faster and more accurate to solve the problems directly.
- There will be no proctoring for this stage for ease of administration but students are expected to work individually and solve the questions independently without assistance from others. Note: Proctoring will be enforced from Stage 2 onwards.
- Post the test, registered students will be sent a survey for feedback on the test but that information will not be used for computing the score.
Format [Total: 80 marks + up to 20 bonus marks]
- 10 questions worth 2 points each (approx. 2 minutes per question)
- 4 multi-part questions worth 15 points each (approx. 15 minutes per question)
To incentivize original thinking and discretion in using external tools, bonus marks would be awarded for questions where tools such as ChatGPT tend to make errors. The list of the problems for which bonus marks will be awarded will be published after the exam.
All questions will have answers that are either one of the few discrete choices: {e.g., A, B, C, D}, or an integer within the range of 0 to 99.
Stage 2: Top performers from Stage 1 and top performers from related Olympiads from previous years will proceed to this stage. Please look at the FAQ page for Stage 2 eligibility criteria. This stage consists of a 3-hour test to assess programming and AI problem-solving skills.
Date and Time:
March 2, Sunday, 10.00 AM – 1:00 PM IST
- Detailed test instructions will be emailed to all registered students one week before the test
- The test will be conducted online via a proctored platform
- Students are permitted to use the free version of ChatGPT, Gemini and Python notebooks during the test.
Format [Total: 80 marks + up to 20 bonus marks]
- 3 ML Theory questions worth 8 points each (approx. 15 minutes per question)
- 4 ML coding questions that involve Python coding worth 14 points each(approx. 30-40 minutes per question)
Stage 3: Online training lectures for selected students from Stage 2. Date: mid March- April end 2025
Stage 4: In-person camp for the final selection of teams representing India at IOAI. Date: May - June 2025.
Get Prepared
Explore our resources , including online lectures, study materials, and sample tests, to sharpen your skills and boost your confidence for the competition. We expect familiarity with Python, Probability and Statistics, Linear Algebra, Optimization, Supervised Learning (classification/regression), Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning, Transformers, NLP, and Computer Vision. Early stages of selection will focus on foundational concepts, while the latter stages will require mastery of more advanced topics.