ACM India Winter School on “Advanced Quantum Computing”
ACM India Winter School on
“Advanced Quantum Computing”
Hosted by IIT Madras
05–16 December 2022
Name of the school: ACM India Winter School on “Advanced Quantum Computing”
Host institution’s name and address: IIT Madras, Chennai
Industry sponsor: TBD
Dates: 05-December-2022 to 16-December-2022
Academic coordinators(s)
Name: Dr. Chandrashekar Radhakrishnan
Email: [email protected]
Description of school: The advanced quantum computing school will complement the material in the first “ACM Winter School on Quantum Computing” which was held in January 2022. It will focus on introducing specialized topics to the students and will also introduce QISKIT runtime soon to be the default method for programming in IBM QISKIT.
List of sub-topics:
- Quantum Algorithms, Optimization algorithms and VQE
- Quantum Error Correction
- Quantum Metrology
- Quantum Cryptography
- Hardware Basics and Pulse programming
- Quantum Machine Learning
- Quantum Finance
- Quantum simulation
- QISKIT transpiler, QISKIT Metal
- QISKIT runtime
List of speakers (with affiliation):
- Prof. Anil Prabhakar (IITM)
- Prof. Arul Lakshminarayan (IITM)
- Dr. Prabha Mandyam (IITM)
- Dr. Vaibhav Madhok (IITM)
- Dr. Nicolas Gheeraert (IITM)
- Dr. YSRK Chaitanya (IITM)
- Dr. Chandrashekar Radhakrishnan (IITM)
- Dr. Dhinakaran Vinayagamoorthy (IBM)
- Dr. Anupama (IBM)
- Dr. Dhiraj (IBM)
- Dr. Kalyan (IBM)
Prior background / courses in Quantum Computing such as following recommended:
- A course on Quantum computing and Information theory
- ACM Winter School on Quantum Computing in January 2022 and obtained a certificate
- NPTEL course on Introduction to Quantum Computation and obtained a certificate from NPTEL
Software background necessary:
- Python
- Basic understanding of the QISKIT for programming