Sridhar Chimalakonda
Eminent Speaker
Short CV:
Sridhar Chimalakonda is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati. Prior to this, he worked as a Visiting Faculty at IIIT Sri City during the last leg of his PhD. He did his PhD and MS by Research in Computer Science & Engineering from International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad. He leads the Research in Intelligent Software and Human Analytics (RISHA) Lab which primarily works in the area of Software Engineering, and specifically towards empirically and qualitatively assessing quality, reuse, architecture and evolution of a broad range of software systems (such as mobile, web, games and so on).
He served as Co-Editor of several international standards (ISO/IEC 26551, 26552, 26553, 26554, 26555) in the area of software reuse and published several papers in international conferences and journals. He also volunteers for ACM SIGSOFT (Software Engineering) as Social Media Chair and core member of ACM iSIGCSE (Computer Science Education). He is also currently serving as a Technical Advisor at IIT Tirupati, trying to promote strong programming culture, real-world and open source projects and most importantly undergraduate research.
He is passionate about addressing societal challenges through computing research. His doctoral thesis proposed a software engineering approach for design and customization of educational technologies for scale and variety in the Indian context (300 million learners, thousands of subjects, teaching styles, learning styles to be delivered in 22 Languages). Recently, he steered the development of an innovative game SurviveCovid-19 for Covid19 awareness and Mood of India portal to gauge the mood of people during Covid19 through Twitter analysis.
Finally, he believes that teaching should inspire students beyond grades and jobs, instill foundations for life and push boundaries!
Title of Talk 1: What Is Software Engineering Anyway? Reflections on 50 Years of Software Engineering and the Road Ahead!
Synopsis: This talk introduces the evolution of fundamental principles in software engineering such as abstraction, components, reuse, quality, software crisis through historic reflections since the days of NATO software engineering conference and presents a future perspective based on current research trends.
Title of Talk 2: @TheCrossroads of AI for SE and SE for AI—What's Happening and Where Are We Going?
Synopsis: Can AI automate the software engineer's work? Maybe, but AI itself is largely uncertain today! Can SE help improve certainity of AI? Maybe, but SE itself has its roots in uncertainty! This talk presents a look at the amazing possibilities of leveraging AI for SE and SE for AI, highlighting the great opportunities ahead.
Title of Talk 3: On Computing Education for 1.3 Billion Learners—Quality, Scale and Variety
Synopsis: The first half of the talk presents the current scenario of computing education in India and potential ways to provide computing education for 1.2 billion people in India. The rest of the talk focuses on the design and customization of educational technologies for the scale and variety in Indian context.
Title of Talk 4: The Lasting Contributions of Computing—Past, Present and Future
Synopsis: This talk presents the journey of computing through ACM Turing Award lectures. In essence, discusses the contributions of pioneers like Dijkstra, Hoare, Floyd, Minsky, McCarthy to the discipline of computing and in particular to programming languages. The talk also discusses the relevance of these seminal contributions in today's world and future directions.
Qualifications: PhD and MS by Research in Computer Science & Engineering, IIIT Hyderabad
Title: Assistant Professor
Affiliation: Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Tirupati
Contact Details: [email protected]
Phone: 9490705384