Venkatesh Sarangan
Eminent Speaker
Short CV: Venkatesh is a Chief Scientist at Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). He heads the "Next Generation Grids" research at TCS. He has over 20 years of experience in academic research, corporate research, & IP driven product development. He has published more than 75 papers in research conferences and journals. He has also been on the program committee of leading conferences on future energy systems. Venkatesh obtained his PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University at State College, USA in 2003. He was a faculty with the Computer Science department at Oklahoma State University and joined TCS Research in 2009. He received the 'Distinguished Scientist' award from TCS Research in 2018. He is a member of the governing board of premier institutes such as IIITs.
Title of Talk 1: From Power grid to an Energy Internet
Synopsis: Our planet's commitment to becoming more sustainable is dependent on a major transformation of the electrical grid. The grid is expected to support electric vehicles, storage batteries, and renewable power sources. Providing this support is non-trivial. In this talk, we will understand the challenges involved in supporting the afore-mentioned new loads and sources. We will then study the similarities and differences between the "Internet" and the next gen Power Grids. We will also discuss how concepts from the "Internet" can be used to overcome the afore-mentioned challenges in Power grid. PS: This talk is targeted for 3rd and 4th year undergrads from Computer science, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering.
Title of Talk 2: AI/ML applications in real-world
Synopsis: AI/ML have become synonymous with computing in the digital age. They have become the trusted lieutenants of industrial leaders for making smart decisions pertaining to day-to-day operations as well as long-term strategies. In this talk, we shall see a sample of how AI/ML/DL techniques are being in real-world across a range of industrial sectors namely: management, materials engineering, Life Sciences, and Energy Systems. PS: This talk is targetted for 3rd and 4th year undergrads from computer science, IT, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, & bio-technology.
Title of Talk 3: AI/ML in smart grids
Synopsis: In this talk, we shall we shall see a glimpse of how AI/ML can help overcome the various challenges in running a power system. We will focus mainly on the operational challenges - such as forecasting, control, state estimation, and scheduling using real world studies. We will close our discussions with a perspective of when to use AI/ML driven control vs conventional model driven operations research based control. PS: This talk is targeted for 3rd and 4th year undergrads from computer science, and electrical engineering - i.e., for those colleges where the diversity in the engineering branches may not be high.
Venkatesh Sarangan
Qualifications: PhD
Title: Chief Scientist
Affiliation: TCS Research
About the speaker: