ACM India Research Opportunities in Computer Science
Research Opportunities in Computer Science “ROCS”
ROCS (pronounced as ROCKS) is an ACM India initiative to expose undergraduate students in (mainly aspiring) colleges to exciting research happening in the country in various areas of computer science. The hope is to inspire at least a few of them to choose a career in research in industry or academics. It is a one-day event, typically on a Saturday with 4-5 talks on multiple areas of computer science. It also may have an “Ask me Anything” session to discuss questions from the participants, talks outlining entry procedures in various institutions, and a panel discussion among the speakers.
Institutions wanting to organise such an event can look at the details here and submit the proposal as mentioned in the document. We expect the institution to have an auditorium (with a seating capacity of 150-250 students) available for the day with possible internet and online talk facilities. They should also organise local logistics like lunch and snacks and if possible, transport for pick up and drop of participants. ACM India will find speakers and organise registration information and help with publicity. ACM India will cover most of the speaker related expenses and offer some limited funding to the host institution (more details below).
What ACM India will offer once the proposal is approved,
- ACM India will organise speakers and organise their travel through ACM India travel desk.
- ACM India will set up a registration page 2-3 weeks before the event, and the local coordinator can link the registration page from the event website. The current registration fees is Rs 200 + GST per person. This is largely used by ACM India to cover speaker related expenses.
- ACM India will finalise the schedule a week (or even earlier) before the event.
- ACM India will cover all speaker related (outstation) travel expenses
- up to Rs.30,000/- to the organisers against bills, for food and other local expenses, and
- up to Rs 10,000/- to the organisers for organisational expenses including administrative support for website, publicity, creating flyers, and organisation. This amount is reimbursed based on the recommendation of the local organiser. This amount can also be used by the local organiser for honorariums to him/her as well as other volunteers.
- The host institution is expected to cover the rest of the expenses including local transport for the speakers. Additional funding may be offered depending on the funding situation, but this requires prior agreement with ACM India at the application time.
ROCS until now:
1. SRMIST, Chennai | Flier | Jan 2023
2. IIT Palakkad Website| Flier |Feb 2023
3. TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala | Flier | Oct 2023
4. IIIT Delhi Website | Flier | Nov 2023
5. IIT Madras Website | Flier | Jan 2024
6. IIT Bombay Website | Flier | Feb 2024
7. IIT Hyderabad Website | Flier | 10 April, 2024
8. NIT Trichy Website | Flier | 06 April, 2024
9. LMNIIT Jaipur Website | Flier | August 17, 2024
10. IIIT Kottayam Website | Flier | August 24, 2024
11. Amrita University, Amritapuri Website | Flier | 19th October, 2024
12. Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ) Website | Filer | 23rd November, 2024
13. Model Institute of Engineering and Technology (MIET), Jammu Website | Filer | 30th November, 2024
14. BML Munjal University, Gurugram Website | Filer | 1st February, 2025